Wednesday 24 December 2014

I Hate When...

I hate when you are with someone and something happens and its like now every time you pass that place or smell a certain smell or hear a certain song it literally just takes you back to that exact moment and it's like you can feel your heart breaking every single time and they say its gets easier but maybe it doesn't.

Unfortunately i am that type of person who

unfortunately i am that type of person who ready to go the extra 
mile for someone who wouldn't even cross the street for me. 

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Top 10 Quotes and Sayings

  1. Those who really care about you will make efforts to stay with you no matter don't have to fight for a place in their life.
  2. I wonder what the world would be like if everyone was as happy as they pretended to be on Facebook.
  3. Simplicity in a single cell and complexity in a brain.
  4. I don't want to be rich or famous... I just want to be Happy... :')
  5. I wanna text you just to remind you that I’m still here but then I remember that you know I’m here, you just don’t care :')
  6. I never stopped feeling the things I feel. I just stopped pretending it matters :')
  7. This year I realized that people are annoying. Friends turn into strangers People who you thought you wouldn't like are actually the best :')
  8. I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of stars makes me dream... :')
  9. Relationship status: Waiting for a miracle to happen ... :')
  10. The heart sinking feeling you get when you read something you didn't want to know.

Thursday 11 December 2014

Top 11 Best Quotes and Sayings about Friendship & Relationship

  1. I’m clingy but i’m rly lowkey about it like i won’t text u twice if u stop responding but i’ll probably cry myself to sleep for two weeks.
  2. When you get in a fight with ur parents and go to ur room but then u get hungry so u mentally prepare yourself for ur appearance in the kitchen.
  3. Memories will disappear with time even if you don't want them to.
  4. I wanna go where they don't understand what goodbye means.
  5. The hardest decision is deciding whether to "walk away" or "try harder.
  6. Never apologize for saying what you feel, it's like saying sorry for being real.
  7. Life is too short to worry about stupid things. Have fun. Regret nothing, and don't let people bring you down.
  8. Sometimes you expect more from someone, because you would do that much for them.
  9. If I text you first, I clearly like you because I don't even like texting.
  10. FAITH is the heaviest word in a relationship and when it is lost, the relationship becomes a burden.
  11. When a girl says ''You are my good friend'' , It means 'You are a looser, you can't be my boyfriend!!