Wednesday 17 December 2014

Top 10 Quotes and Sayings

  1. Those who really care about you will make efforts to stay with you no matter don't have to fight for a place in their life.
  2. I wonder what the world would be like if everyone was as happy as they pretended to be on Facebook.
  3. Simplicity in a single cell and complexity in a brain.
  4. I don't want to be rich or famous... I just want to be Happy... :')
  5. I wanna text you just to remind you that I’m still here but then I remember that you know I’m here, you just don’t care :')
  6. I never stopped feeling the things I feel. I just stopped pretending it matters :')
  7. This year I realized that people are annoying. Friends turn into strangers People who you thought you wouldn't like are actually the best :')
  8. I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of stars makes me dream... :')
  9. Relationship status: Waiting for a miracle to happen ... :')
  10. The heart sinking feeling you get when you read something you didn't want to know.

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