Thursday 31 January 2013

Life Is Beautiful Only For Those

"Life Is Beautiful Only For Those...!!
Who Know How To Celebrate The Pain"

The Perfect Gentleman

• Gives Her One of His T-Shirts to Sleep In,
• Give Her One of His Hobbies;
To Wear so everyone knows 'She's Him's..'
• Leaves Her Cute Text/Notes
• Tells Her; She Looks Beautiful
• Looks Into Her Eyes;
When He Talks to Her
• Lets Her Mess with His Hair
• Touches Her Hair..
• Just walks around with Her..
• Looks at Her Like;
She's the Only Girl He Sees
• Tickles Her, even when She Says; Stop.
• When She Starts Swearing at Him,

He Tells Her; He Loves Her
• Lets Her fall Asleep in His Arms
• Gets Her Mad, then Kisses Her.
• Stays on the Phone With Her;
Even If She's not Saying anything.
• Teases Her and lets Her Tease Him back.
• Stays up all Night with Her When She's Sick
• Watches Her favorite Movie with Her
• Lets Her Wear His Clothes..
• When She's Sad, Hangs Out with Her.
• Lets Her know; She's Important..♥
• Kisses Her in the Pouring Rain..
• When Falls in Love with Her, Tells Her.
• & When He Tells Her,

Loves Her Like He has Never Loved Someone Before...♥

Friendship is like music

Friendship is like music, 
it has its dark sides and bright sides,
its highs and lows,
but it will always stay sweet as long as u listen...!!

Wednesday 30 January 2013

Why we fall in a relationship

A girl asked a boy ♥
Why we fall in a relationship
When we know ♥

That someday it will end...
Boy : I will answer you...

But first tell me why do we live
When we know ♥
That someday we will die..!! ♥

Love Story

She walked away with a shy smile on her face making my heart swell with joy, if only I could tell her how much I love""" 

she was still reading his dairy out loud when he hurried and grabbed the book from her hand .

" Hey, I was reading

that "She said, protesting. She was really enjoying reading his words, the way he described everything, his thoughts, his emotions.
She was seeing the world through his eyes. "Tell me about this girl" She said with anxious eyes. 
He stared at her, paled. "I can't"

"Come on, why not? Wait, was she your girlfriend? , Do you still love her? "

"Stop" He growled
She flinched then said in a hurtful voice"OK"

Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, He finally said "I’m sorry, you weren't supposed to read that"
"but why?"

Silence crept in the air ,He felt like chocking, starting to lurk around waiting for something to come along, but at that moment, he himself couldn't believe the words that he was about to say 

"because you are the girl that I write about".

Tuesday 29 January 2013

Some of the best moments in life...!!

Some of the best moments in life 

- Lying in bed listening to the rain

- Thinking about the person U love

- Taking a long drive on a clam road

- Finding money in your old jeans just U
need it

- Holding your hands with your friend

- Getting a hug from someone special

- The moment your eyes are filled with
tears after a big laugh "

Some of the best moments in life...!! (^_^)

Monday 28 January 2013

Sunday 27 January 2013

Perfect Love

Perfect guy is not the one who has
more money
or the most handsome one you'll met.
Its the one who knows how to makes you
smile everyday ♥

Special friends are like pieces of puzzle

Special friends are like pieces of puzzle, 
if you lose one it'll never be completed again. 
just want you to know, 
you are one of the piece and I cant afford to lose you...!!

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Calling to say I miss you too...!!

Every time the phone rings,
                                      I breathe in slowly and pray that it's finally you,
                                                       calling to say I miss you too ...♥

Tuesday 1 January 2013


Relations require real effort even when 
everyone of us is busy with our own lives 
A Simple sms reminds each other that... 
“You Are Not Forgotten''..♥

Feel The True Love ♥

You Can Close Your Eyes tO hide the things yOu dOn't want tO see,


yOu can't clOse your heart tO hide the things yOu dOn't want tO feel...♥