Wednesday 26 September 2012

Happy :-) and Sad :-(

When you are Happy you want to 
Reach the Person whom you Love Most


When you are Sad you want to 
Reach the Person who Loves you Most...!!

Tuesday 25 September 2012

If Someone Waiting For You...

If someone waiting for you, it
does not mean that they have
nothing else to do but it’s just
means that nothing else
is more important than you...!!

Friday 21 September 2012


A Relationship is a Sweet Responsibility,
You may forget With whom you Laughed,
But you’ll never Forget With whom you Wept...!!

Thursday 20 September 2012

I Want To Save Every Moment OF Being With You My Best Friend...!!

I Want To Save Every Moment OF Being With You My Best Friend...!!

Tuesday 18 September 2012


Friendship is not a game to play, 
It is not a word to say, 
It doesn't start on March and ends on May, 
It is tomorrow, yesterday, today and everyday...!!

Monday 17 September 2012

Dreams Come True

  " Dreams will always be dreams unless we make them reality. 
Only you can make your dreams come true. "

Saturday 15 September 2012

Best Words By A True Friend...!!

Best words by a True Friend-

"My care will be in the heart n not in words"
"My anger will be in Words n not in the Heart"

Best Friend Forever...!!

We Are Friends Still We Born, 
And Will Remain Until We Die,
We Are Best Friend Forever...!!

Thursday 13 September 2012

Special Friend

Far away but alwaz near, 
I hold ur relatnshp very dear, 
Sum tym lonely but never apart, 
As a special friend you're alwaz in my heart...!! :)

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Life with FRIENDS is Most Wonderful...!!

"Tears of EYES are Valuable"
"Speech of LIPS are Powerful"
"Heart With LOVE is Beautiful"
"Life with FRIENDS is Most Wonderful...!!''

Monday 10 September 2012

Memorable Moments

Making Memorable Moments For
Yourself Is Not A Big Thing
But You Being The Key Person
In Others Memorable Moments
Is AN Everlasting Feeling...!!

Thursday 6 September 2012

I Love U More Then anything iN wOrlD ...!!

You Know Sometimes When i Say I Hate U , It Means 
I Love U More Then anything iN wOrlD ...!!

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Best Friend Understanding

''A Friend is one who knows you and loves you just the same.''

When we Love Someone a lot...

When we Love Someone a lot,
They become a part of ourself,
That's way it pains us so much,
When we miss them,
Because we miss a part of Ourself..!!

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Romantic Love

Life Becomes Romantic When Eyes Start Looking
At Some 1 Silently ..



Life Becomes M0re R0mantic When Some 1
Starts Reading Those Eyes Silently...!!

Saturday 1 September 2012

Broken Heart

Just because someone broke your heart does not mean that someone else cannot repair it...!!

Long Distance Relationships

The best thing about long distance relationships is that you KNOW you will see that person in real life one day. When that day comes it’s the best day ever...!!

Music is what makes us smile

Music is what makes us smile, makes us cry and can bring back the best memories we have...!!

I Love You

Life is for living – I live mine for You
Love is for giving – I give mine to You
Dreams are for dreaming – I dream of You
Heart is for beating – Mine beats for You ♥ ♥